I was born and brought up in Neyland and after University was determined to return and make my home here. Pembrokeshire’s a fantastic place but we’ve been falling behind fast. 15,000 conversations across Pembrokeshire have helped me develop a Plan for Pembrokeshire.
I’m really grateful to my clinical advisory group (12 local doctors and nurses), working with me on health. Our work on trying to ensure the return of overnight paediatric care to Withybush met a positive reception from the new Chief Executive of the Health Board and I feel there is a real chance we can make progress in the coming months.
I’m beating the drum for Pembrokeshire on jobs and industry. I’m determined to get a local funding circle off the ground to provide real cash support to existing and potential small businesses. I’m also determined to do all I can to support the next generation of industry into the county.
I’ll stay on as a councillor (but won’t take a salary). Fighting with you to remove Bryn Parry-Jones was the start.
There’s more, such as battling the Council to hear our concerns about the proposed education plans. I’m working with parents and teachers to provide an alternative for improving our schools.
I’m determined to push through a joined-up plan for re-energising our town centres.
In Neyland I am working hard to deliver us 21st century community and sports facilities at Neyland Athletic Club and the fight for those facilities is what motivated me to want this opportunity. To roll my sleeves up and continue to get stuck in to the issues facing our County.
I’m absolutely certain that together we can get Pembrokeshire back on the right path.