Improving active travel in Pembrokeshire – help us to shape improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure


Dear stakeholder,   In 2014, the Welsh Government introduced the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 which makes it a legal requirement for Local Authorities in Wales to map and plan for suitable routes for Active Travel in their area. Active travel refers to the use of active modes, i.e. walking and cycling (including the use of mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs), to make everyday journeys. These include journeys to work, to the shops or to access services, such as health, leisure centres and bus/rail stations.  Pembrokeshire County Council plans to make Active Travel the popular choice for local journeys, to increase the attractiveness of local communities as places to live and work, improve health and well-being and to help tackle air pollution. To help with this aim, Pembrokeshire County Council is producing an Active Travel Network Map (ATNM), which is a is a plan of walking and cycling routes in designated settlements in Pembrokeshire as required by Welsh Government. The ATNM will be used to inform where improvements to walking and cycling should be made. It will help to make journeys on foot or by bike across Pembrokeshire easier and safer for everyone, particularly those who don’t currently walk or cycle often, and people who use mobility aids. To assist in the development of the ATNM, Pembrokeshire County Council is undertaking a consultation on how routes and facilities in the County can be improved to encourage walking and cycling. 
Active travel that works for everyone
In order to design a network that works for everyone, the council would like to use this consultation to get the views of as many people as possible, particularly those who don’t currently walk or cycle often. This will help the council make sure that the routes built for walking and cycling work for the whole community. The Consultation focuses on the main towns and villages in Pembrokeshire which have been selected by the Welsh Government as the designated localities in the County. These are: FishguardGoodwickHaverfordwestJohnstonMilford HavenNeylandPembroke DockPembrokeTenbySaundersfootNarberth  
Tell us what you think
You can take part in the consultation exercise online through our interactive mapping tool, hosted by Commonplace at:
The interactive map allows participants to flag issues, problems and success on a plan of each active travel settlement and add comments. The first stage of the consultation will close on 31st March 2021.   What Next?
This is the first step of the three stage ATNM consultation. The findings will assist the council to identify upgrades to existing Active Travel facilities and create new walking and cycling routes. Following this, the second step of the consultation will see the council share findings and ask people what they think of the plans the council is proposing as a result of the feedback it has been given. The third stage of the consultation will give members of the public a final say on the ATNM before it is sent to Welsh Government for approval. The map will be produced taking into account public feedback and ideas from the initial consultations.

The approved walking and cycle network map will be used to inform where walking and cycling routes are built in Pembrokeshire in the future, so it’s important we get it right now.
Spread the word
Thank you for participating in our consultation and telling us where you would like to see improvements to walking and cycling in Pembrokeshire.

Please do circulate this information with your friends, family, colleagues and communities.    For those unable to access our on-line engagement material, printed copies of the network map and survey can be provided via mail, free of charge. Please see below for contact details.

          Pembrokeshire County Council
          County Hall
          SA61 1TP