Housing advice for over 50s in Pembrokeshire

The Cyngor 50+ Advice Project has expanded into Pembrokeshire to give free advice on housing and related issues for people aged over 50
Are you having problems making ends meet, do you have a housing issue you would like to discuss, or are you having difficulty understanding or accessing benefits?
We hold drop in sessions at community venues across the county. Please see our website or contact us for more information.

Mae prosiect Cyngor 50+ Advice wedi ehangu i Sir Benfro i rhoi cyngor am ddim ar dai a materion cysylltiedig ar gyfer pobl dros 50 oed
A ydych chi’n cael trafferth cael deupen llinyn ynghyd, oes gennych broblem tai yr hoffech drafod, neu ydych yn cael anhawster deall neu gael mynediad I fudd-daliadau?
Rydym yn cynnal sessiynau galw heibio mewn lleoliadau cymunedol ledled y ddwy sir. Ewch I’n gwefan neu cysylltwch a ni am y wybodaeth diweddaraf.
01267 225936
fiftyplus@sheltercymru.org.uk / www.sheltercymru.org.uk

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