After an exhaustive few months our work is done and it’s
a case of sit back and see…….
The team have worked flat out over the last few months and
both of the applications submitted in recent weeks have
consisted of thousands of pages of reports, financials
appraisals, plans, policies and procedures. We hope it will
all be worth it (there is £1,000,000 riding on these two)
but we will know the outcome before the end of this summer
and of course I’ll let you all know how we get on.
We’ve given ourselves the best possible chance of securing this funding. With enabling
works on the site now complete and £800,000 already
committed to the scheme we are confident we’ve put
together two really strong applications. Time will
tell……. If things have gone well, we envisage making a
start on site before the end of this year with the New
Community Hub being up and running early in 2018.