Neyland Town Council has recently agreed to set a precept of £60 per household for the residents of Neyland which represents an increase of £2 per household or a little over 3%.
The increase is to accommodate some of the additional responsibilities to be taken on by the town council including the maintenance of newly-acquired public land and take account of prices and inflation.
The council acknowledges the need for repair and refurbishment of the existing play equipment at the Victoria Court play Park.A new budget will be created for the maintenance of green spaces as the Council wil be taking over the ownership and responsibility for the play Park and the green field at Belle Vue.
The town development budget will provide for the provision of wi-fi for the town centre and the refurbishment of the information boards at Brunel Quay.
The total Town Council budget will be £89,140.40 and by increasing the precept to £60.00 this will bring in a sum of £80,424 plus other income to a total of £83,924. The shortfall of £5,210.40 will be met from reserves.
The Mayor of Neyland, Dr Simon Hancock said the council would be allocating sums for twinning and Christmas festivities and the council was determined that council taxpayers would get good value for money. ‘We want to do the very best for residents in spending the precept.’