Category: Churches
Quiz night Fundraiser for the friends of ST Tudwal Thursday 16th May
This is your regular reminder about this month’s quiz night, which will take place next Thursday, 16th May, with the usual time of 7 for 7.30pm.
This month we have the honour of holding the very first fundraiser for a new local charity, The Friends of St Tudwal’s, Llanstadwell! The charity was only launched last month, and has been set up to support and maintain the beautiful St Tudwal’s Church, to help secure its future for our community.
As always, please spread the word about the quiz night, including sharing the attached poster on your social media pages, and if you can, please bring along a raffle prize.
Friends of St Tudwal
Bethesda Church new doors “opening” 22nd April
Bethesda Church Bulletin
Sunday8th May2016 (Word document)
Bethesda Church Bulletin
Sunday17th Apr2016 (MS Word Document)
Bethesda Church Bulletin
Week Beginning Sunday 3rd April 2016
Greetings to Pam our leader of worship today
Meetings during the coming week
Monday Prayer meeting 9.00 till 10.00
Tuesday Three C’s Craft Club 1.00 to 3.00 pm
Wednesday Café 10.00 till 2.00
Thursday Café 10.00 till 2.00
Bible Study with Rev David All Welcome 2.00 till 3.00
Forward Notices
Our Preacher for the 10th April is Grayham
Your prayers are needed. If anyone feels they need prayer, please talk to a Deacon or write it in the prayer book.
Bible verse of the week:
John 20:20-22 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit
Good Christian One Liners
God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Bethesda Church Bulletin
Bethesda Church bulletin
Grayham Passmore’s recognition service as Pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church on 5 February
Bethesda Baptist Church Bulletin
Curches Together Programme
Neyland Churches Together Lent Studies: the beatitudes
Thursdays at 7pm at Zion – to finish about 8.15 plus or minus 10 mins
Vaguely following the Pilgrim Booklet produced by the Church of England.
Some of the course attenders will have these. I am ordering 18. Let me know if you want them. £5
There is a 3-4 min video you could play a part of the evening – google Pilgrim Beatitudes video and you will find them. But if you want to do this, bring your own way of showing it.
11 Feb, led by Alan
Pilgrim Session One, considering Matthew 5.3&4
18 Feb, led byDavid Pusey
Pilgrim Session Two, considering Matthew 5. 5&6
25 Feb, led by Jonathan Kirk
Pilgrim Session Three, considering Matthew 5. 7 & 8
3 March, led by Rob Wainwright
Pilgrim Session Four, considering Matthew 5. 9&10
10 March, led by John Hancock
Pilgrim Session 5, considering Matthew 5. 13-19
17 March, led by Grayham Passmore
Pilgrim Session 6, considering Matthew 7.24-29
Do not feel constrained by the way the Pilgrim booklets use the material.
your input
group discussion
Thanks, Alan
Bethesda Baptist Church bulletin
Bethesda events
Week Beginning Sunday 17th Jan 2016
Greetings to Pam our preacher for this Sunday
Meetings during the coming week
Monday Prayer meeting 9.00am to 10.00
Tuesday Three C’s Craft Club 1.00pm to 3.00
Wednesday Café 10.00 am to 2.00
Thursday Café 10.00 am to 2.00
Bible Study 2.00pm to 3.00
Forward Notices
Our Preacher for the 24th Jan is Grayham at 10.30am
Next week; Acts Chapter 13 verses 44 – 52 Paul leaves Cyprus for Pamphylia
Recognition Service for Rev Dr David Pusey as our Moderator and Grayham Passmore as our Pastor will take place on 6th Feb at 2.30pm all welcome, High Tea following the service.
Your prayers are needed. If anyone feels they need prayer, please talk to a Deacon or write it in the prayer book.
Bible verse of the week:
Psalms 36:7 How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Good Christian One Liners
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Christmas Tea event at St Clement’s Hall
Plans are underway for a Christmas Tea event at St Clement’s Hall on the afternoon of November 21st.
This is to raise funds for the new church hall.
There will be stalls and a raffle, as well as tea and cake.
There is a volunteer to run a second hand book stall but books are needed please.
If you have any unwanted books to donate please leave them at 7 Hazelbank, Llanstadwell.
Our jam and marmalade maker is diversifying into chutneys and pickles.
If you have any green tomatoes you don’t need she will be happy to turn them into delicious chutney to sell on the day.
Please leave them at 19 Coram Drive, Neyland.
Cakes for the cake stall will be needed too. Please bring those to the hall on the morning of 21st.
If you can offer help on or before the day, would like a stall, or have any good ideas please contact Sylvia on 01646 602234.
21st Songs of Praise
The 21st Songs of Praise last Sunday was a successful event. Thanks to all
who supported. The collection amounted to £127.35 This was down on previous
years and does not cover expenses. However, we have money in the bank which
will cover the total cost. We gave £100 to the Milford Band, who as usual
were on top form and £50 to Neyland cadets who were a great help moving
chairs and setting up.
The weather was probably a huge influence on people not turning out but for
those who did, it was a wonderful hour, in wonderful sunshine and blowing
Thanks all.